Monday, January 26, 2009

to do with cultural background

one is a product of home and schooling, as we are by our overall surroundings. Being nurtured ina a country that was a colony then legislated discrimination against certain sectors of it sub population, i have grown up with chips on my shoulders.
looking back, whilst sensitive to any derogatory comment about colour, i generally am fortunate to accept all people as equals, oft times those who have been subjected to disadvantages of life, tend to be the more interesting to get on with.

01.20.09 was the day the US of America inaugurated its 44th President, those were the numbers on one of the toques of the day in Washington DC, my reaction was the numerology addition, ending with 3 interpreted as the trinity by some and other it is alive, to live

an exciting inauguration to attend, it was actually a must be there occasion as when Nelson Mandela when taking his oath into the Presidency on 10 May 1994
at the Union Buildings Terraces in Pretoria, one of the dots on the lower lawn was me, his speech compared to the speech made by Barack Obama will be compared by many in future, noting the difficult times faced by both men's country at that time.

Media is using the www effectively, their reporters with words and visuals do more than i can ever achieve so here are their links, that i am still reading and savouring, as on that day being in the National Mall, alongside the Museum of Amreican Indian buidling designed by Douglas Cardinal, and facing the Capitol,
The Times of London, BBC online alwasy to the point, the inauguration, and the First 100 Days,
John Sinclair, the veteran anti-racism campaigner
but it was The Boston Globe under The Big Picture who published the most apt collection of 48 photgraphs.
A breathtaking begining from the London Independent is worthy of note.
there are others that i may add, each giving a different viewpoint.

having lived in two national capitols and visited a few, the few days of Washington DC will be remembred and compared for many a day
more will come of course

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